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1. Why the Union of South Asian countries are needed.

Answer: Union of South Asian countries are needed to solve the international problems of India and to grant International and Global Rights to Indian citizens.

2. What are the international and global Problem?


A. Domestic and International corruption

B. Poverty Maintained by government for export.

C. Malnutrition caused by maintained poverty.

D. Low Education caused by maintained poverty.

E. Community illness caused by maintained poverty.

F. Unemployment caused by global competition amongst production companies.

G. Environment caused by global anarchy.

H. Dearness caused by governments of foreign lands.

I. Terrorism caused by global anarchy.

J. International Wars caused by global anarchy.

K. 3 rd World War being instigated by global anarchy.

L. Drain of money to foreign lands.

M. Decreasing value of Indian currency.

N. Other many international problems wrongly known as domestic problems.

3. Under which Act of India the Interim Government may function?

Answer: The Interim Government may function under Charitable Trust 1882.

4. Under which provision of the constitution of India the interim Parliament and Government may be constituted?

Answer: Under Article 19 and under Indian Trust Act 1882.

5. Will it not be treated an act of threatening and injuring the sovereignty of the country?

Answer: No. Act of solving the problems of Indian citizen like- international wars, poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, corruption, terrorism, environment etc. are not the act of injuring sovereignty. Granting International and Global Rights to Indian citizens to get rid from these long lasting problems is an act of

strengthening sovereignty of India.

6. Should the Government of South Asian Union be a:

Answer :

A. Union of neighboring countries of India? (No)

B. Government of about 200 billion inhabitants of South Asian Countries (No)

C. Government of South Asian Citizens of South Asian Countries (Yes)

7. Should the World Government be a:


A. Union of 213 countries of the world? (No)

B. Government of 850 billion earth inhabitants. (No)

C. Union of unions of 7 subcontinents of the world (No)

D. Union of 2 hemi-nations (Eastern and Western World) (Yes)

E. Government of Global Citizens of all countries of world (Yes)

8. What is eligibility to be nominated as Members of Interim Parliament-


Eligibility Percentage in marking

A. Merit in donated amount 50%

B. Maximum Vote of MPS 10%

C. Profile 20% (Present PM 100, Ex PM 90, Ex High Commissioner/ MP 80, Ex Mp 70, MLA-60, Ex MLA 50, Others- 40)

D. Personality 10%

E. Dedicated period of time 10%

9. Where headquarter of Interim Governments will be situated?

Answer: The headquarter of Interim Governments will be situated firstly in Lucknow and later on in Delhi. The

address is 2 nd Floor, Jankipuram Vistar, Lucknow-226031.

10. On which date the formation of Interim Parliament and the Government will be declared?

Answer: As per the information sent to head of 192 nations the formation of Interim Parliament and the Government will be declared On 24 th October, 2024.

11. Will it not be treated an act of threatening and injuring the sovereignty of the country?

Answer: The venue of declaration of Interim Parliament and Government will be India International.

12. Will the Interim Government impose taxes on public?

Answer: No. In starting the Interim Government shall run its activities by donations given by super-national voluntary citizens associated with GAPP organization. Interim Government may impose taxes on super national citizens only after treaty amongst nations to this effect.

13. Will the Interim Government keep its own armed forces?

Answer: No. In starting the Interim Government shall insure security of its functionaries by armless security volunteers trained from super-national voluntary citizens. Interim Government may keep armed forces only after treaty amongst nations to this effect.

14. Will the Interim Government print its own currency?

Answer: No. Will print currency after treaty amongst nations to this effect.

15. What will be source of income for Interim Government?

Answer: Sources of income will be donation given by MPs of Interim Parliament and by super-national interim citizens.

16. Why MPs and by super-national voluntary citizens will donate and work for Interim Government?

Answer: Interim Government will issue post dated remuneration and donation certificates against works done and against amounts donated for mission. The amounts written in certificates may be refunded after the treaty amongst nations.

17. Whether the employees of the interim Government will avail salary?

Answer: The amount of salary of functionaries of Interim Parliament and Government will be calculated, recorded and certificates of salary records will be issued but will be paid after the treaty amongst the nations. Some amount may be paid from very beginning on regular basis.

18. Looking what benefit the corporate will donate to Interim Government?

Answer: There are many benefits of corporate powers; like joining as MP, free movement of goods and services, uniformity and simplicity in tax and administration structure, easy access to of countries,. Hence therefore a part of CSR Fund may be diverted towards treaty for GAPP.

19. Will it not be treated an act of threatening and injuring the sovereignty of the country?

Answer: All countries like to empower its citizens, solve national problems, grow the economy, protect the life and liberty of its citizens.

20. Whether all the super-national voluntary citizens will be entitled to vote for all super-national legislatures?

Answer: No. Super-national voluntary citizens will be classified in 3 vertical categories- Homeland, Hemi-nation and nation. One will be entitled to vote to only compose respective vertical legislature.

21. Will it not be treated an act of threatening and injuring the sovereignty of the country?

Answer: The draft of the constitution of the Interim Government is published on website. The link is -

…………………………. The final constitution will be made by the treaty amongst the nations.

22. How many seats are there in parliament of South Asian Union?

Answer: There are 271 seats in Indian chapter. For list and map of seats kindly click the link- …………….. The final map and list of seats will be made after treaty amongst nations.

23. How many seats are there in parliament of Earth?

Answer: There are 111 seats in Indian chapter of Interim parliament of Earth. For list and map of seats kindly click the link- …………….. The final map and list of seats will be made after treaty amongst nations.

24. Will China not come in the way of the formation of South Asian Union?

Answer: The India and China will be component of two regional unions but will be component of same Hemi-nation which will be called Eastern Hemi-nation.

25. Main Issues to declare before press about Interim Government of South Asian Countries:

A. President of Government ……………………….

B. Speaker of The Parliament ……………………….

C. Name of MPs ……………………….

D. Name of Ministers with respective departments ……………………….

E. Name of spokesperson(s) ………………………………

26. Main Issues to declare before press about Interim Government of Earth:

A. President of Government ……………………….

B. Speaker of The Parliament ……………………….

C. Name of MPs ……………………….

D. Name of Ministers with respective departments ……………………….

E. Name of spokesperson(s) ………………………………

27. Is it not illegal to run an interim parliament and an interim government?

Answer: The interim parliament and government are not being formed at the level of the country. It is being created internationally and globally. If this step was illegal, the government would have informed. A letter dated 5 July, 2024 has been written to the President of India saying that if this step is illegal, then the government should inform.

28. What if the government ever objects to run the interim parliament and interim government?

Answer: Whenever the government instructs, the word "interim" will be replaced with the word "shadow". But the campaign to stablish world peace and grant of global rights will not be stopped.

29. Isn't this a parallel government?

Answer: It is wrong to run a parallel government at a level at which a government is already running. It is also to be understood that the Interim Government is not formed at the level of the country. The interim government does not have the status of a sovereign organisation. Its status is that of a people's organization.